Cydia Impactor iOS IPA Installer Download | For Windows & Mac

Cydia Impactor for iOS is a tool developed by Saurik to install IPA files on iPhone, iPad or iPod running any iOS veriosn. This tool can be installed on Windows OS or Mac OS. Upon connecting your device to the pc, Cydia Impactor is afterwards used to install the ipa packaage file directly on the phone.

How to Install Cydia Impactor

On Windows

  • Download Cydia Impactor Windows version from above link.
  • It will be in zip format. Extract the downloaded file
  • After extraction, you will get Cydia Impactor.exe file.
  • Run the file and Cydia Impactor will be launched.

On Mac OS X

  • Download Cydia Impactor for Mac OS X from above Links.
  • When the it is downloaded.
  • Simply launch Cydia Impactor.
  • No need to extract the file.
How to Use Cydia Impactor
  • First of all download the required ipa file from on your PC or Mac.
  • Now connect your device to the PC or Mac.
  • Launch Cydia Impactor.
  • Navigate to the ipa file, click on it and drag it on to cydia impactor.
  • Log in with your Apple ID.
  • Now Cydia Impactor will install ipa file on your phone with in a moment.
  • Once it is installed, disconnect the phone.
  • Note: After installation you have to trust the developer profile of the app from settings on iPhone or iPad.

Cydia Impactor Errors or Not Working, Fix

If you having issues with cydia impactor then try these things.

  • Make Sure that Find my iPhone option is disabled. You can do this by going to Settings. Tap on your profile or name. Under iCloud settings, you can disable Find My iPhone option.
  • You may need to install itunes on your PC.
  • If you are having any other error, then uninstall Cydia Impactor. Download the latest version from above links and run that.
  • Most of the errors solve on their own when you update the Cydia Impactor tool.