How to Remove Prisma Logo Watermark


Prisma is getting very popular day to day and probably everyone is using this unique photo filtering app. The Prisma App first came for iOS but now this Unique photo filtering app is available for Android OS as well. The Prisma App brings a unique artwork to your pictures and during applying filters needs an internet connection. Prisma has many filters extracted from the artwork of famous artists and inspired by nature, some has names Mononoke, Udnie, curtain, paper art, Mondrian, Coloured sky, Roy, Candy and more. This is not an ordinary photo filtering app as it needs an internet connection and that’s why its fever is touching every iOS and Android user.

When the picture is under editing it gets connected to Prisma’s server to upload it to the server and there the filter is applied to your photo. When done editing it leaves a watermark ( prisma logo ) on the picture. Now if some of you find it annoying you can disable it, Prisma is so generous that it lets you disable their watermark which is quite easy. Below are the complete steps to disable prisma logo from your prisma edited photos. It is quite simple, just follow the instructions below.

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Disable/Remove Prisma Logo (Watermark)

To remove Prisma logo watermark follow the steps below.

1. Launch the Prisma App on your iOS or Android phone.

2. Tap the settings icon located at right centre of the screen.

3. In Settings you will see an option on third number which goes by Add Watermark, by default it is enabled.

4. Tap it to disable, now you will not see any prisma watermark logo on your filtered photos.

Hope you are successful to remove prisma logo watermark. Comment below if you have any questions.

That’s it, to know more keep visiting, Thanks!

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An avid Android fan and tech savvy, among his passions are sci-fi, gaming and music. Also, likes tweaking and Flashing Custom ROMS on Smartphones.

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