Monday, February 10, 2025

Facebook Messenger Basketball Game and Some Other Tips

Facebook messenger is one of the most popular messaging app available for Android, actually it is more than just a messaging service. In this post you will learn some of its great features, tips and tricks.

With the new Fb messenger update there is also a new feature of hidden basketball game which is so much fun to play. Have look at FB Messenger basketball game and some other tips.

Hidden Messenger Basketball game

The coolest and latest feature of Facebook messenger is this basketball game. It lets you enjoy your time playing this basketball game. If you are waiting for someone and feeling bored this game will help you pass your time. You can set your high score and challenge your friends to beat your score but this game is hidden.

Facebook Messenger Basketball Game and Some Other Tips

To access this game all you need to do is update your messenger to latest version and then open chat with any of your friends and send them basketball Emoji (its in the bell menu of emojis) after sending it just tap on it and the game will start.

Facebook messenger Video and Voice Calls

Facebook messenger is all in one best Messenger because it fulfills all your needs. Now it enables you to make a Voice call and even Video call for free. Just open the chat of the person you want to call and tap on any of the two voice or video options at the top right corner of chat to make a call.

Turn off notifications for single Conversation

If you are in a group chat and you are not interested in the topic under discussion or some situation similar to this. Don’t panic because now you can turn off messenger notifications for single conversations. To do this in your conversation tab, tap and hold the conversation you want to turn off notifications for and tap mute conversation and choose time for how long you want to keep it muted.

Create a shortcut for Group chat

If you Group Chat too much then you may like to create a chat shortcut to your homescreen. To create a group chat shortcut go to your group chat Tab and tap menu (three dots) and select create shortcut.

Send your Location

On Facebook messenger now you can let your friends know about your current location and you can send your location to them. Just enable location in your settings and your friend will be able to see your location and either if your friend has it enabled you can also see his location by tapping on message.

Big Thumb like

Normally we use little thumb like but you can also inflate its size, just tap and hold like button and a large big thumb will be sent to your friend or partner.

Amazing isn’t it, all the tips and hidden Facebook Messenger basketball game. Hope you like it. Please share it and subscribe to our blog. Sharing buttons are below and subscription box is at the end.

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