How to Improve the Galaxy S6 Edge performance


Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge was 2015 Samsung flagship and it was the best phone of 2015. The Galaxy S6 had a great look which made Samsung world class smartphone designer again. Samsung S6 Edge is irresistibly beautiful and Powerful device but there’s always a room for improvement, for those of you who want to speed up the Galaxy S6 Edge performance follow this guide.

Your Galaxy S6 edge may be slow after a long time using it and if you want to speed up or improve galaxy s6 edge performance then these practical tips will make you do so.

Clear the Cache

Android device stores frequently used data in cache and speeds up its performance but for long long time cache gets messy and decreases device performance but there’s a solution to this problem that is to clear the cache. After clearing app cache it will take some time to rebuild it and once it’s done you will see improved and fast performance.

You can clear Samsung Galaxy S6 cache through settings. Go to settings>apps and if you want to clear the cache of one particular app find it and tap clear cache but if you want to clear all apps cache, go to settings storage and cached data and click ok. Wait there is another cache, system cache and it can also cause problems because it stores commonly used data. Clearing system cache is a little complex but still easy. To clear system cache or cache partition, first of all switch off your Galaxy S6 and after that press and hold Power + volume up and home buttons simultaneously and release them when you see recovery menu. Here use volume buttons for navigating and power button for selection, find wipe cache partition and do it once done reboot your device.


Speeding up animations improve device performance because Samsung’s interface is animated. To do this first of all enable developer options in your device go to settings>about phone and tap on build number for seven times developer options will appear in settings now tap on developer options and find Windows animation scale here all you need to do is adjust the Speed to 0.5x and that’s it.

Uninstall Useless Apps

The more apps the apps are there the more your device will work so if you have got Heap of apps then find the ones which are unnecessary and uninstall them. These unnecessary apps are the reason for you Samsung S6 battery drain and slow performance install an app manager to manage apps easily.

Launcher and Widgets

If you want to speed up your Galaxy S6 Edge performance change your app launcher it will help a lot, and if there are too many widgets on your homescreen get rid of them because these little apps running on your screen are unnecessarily using your phone power. So remove the ones you don’t need they also drain a huge amount of battery.

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An avid Android fan and tech savvy, among his passions are sci-fi, gaming and music. Also, likes tweaking and Flashing Custom ROMS on Smartphones.

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